
Attendance, Lates and Early Dismissals




Regular school attendance and punctuality are essential for a successful school experience.  School attendance is required by law.  Parents are charged with the responsibility of their child’s school attendance.


School Hours

Grade KG – 8
Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 3:00pm



Students who arrive in class after the scheduled arrival time will be considered tardy.  Tardiness will be recorded and becomes a part of your child’s permanent





Parents are required to call Ummati School on each day the student is not in school and give specific reasons for the absence.  Students who are absent will be

expected to make up missed work.  Any student who has unexcused absences and/or fails to make up missed assignments will receive unsatisfactory grades for those assignments and will be marked TRUANT.  Truancy will not be tolerated and may result in failure of the class.


Early Dismissal


Teachers have been instructed not to release students to anyone coming into the classroom.  This policy is made for the protection of your children.


Parents who need to pick up their child before the regular dismissal time must:


Call the school office.

Send a note with the child.

Pick up their child in the school office.


Teachers have been instructed not to release students to anyone coming into the classroom.  This policy is made for the protection of your children.




  • All late students must enter from main entrance. 
  • Students will enter and, after the register is changed, get a late slip from main office. Without this slip they are not allowed in class.  The slip ensures that the attendance register has been changed.
  • Students will then give this slip to their teacher to enter the class. Teacher does not have to retain this slip.



Legal Compulsory School Age



Legal Compulsory School Age


The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with information about Bill 52, "The Education Amendment Act, Learning to Age 18, 2006," which received Third Reading on December 12, 2006 and Royal Assent on December 20, 2006. This legislation raises the school leaving age to 18 or graduation, in order to encourage more students to graduate and fewer to leave school without being adequately prepared for work or further learning.